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Bunions, also known by its medical terminology as “Hallux Valgus” is a condition that consists of
the deviation of the big toe towards the external lateral part of the foot that produces a deformity
and an inflammation of the soft parts that cover it.
The most common features are the appearance of painful inflammation that is made worse by
walking. One of the curiosities of bunions is that their appearance is usually more frequent in
women than in men. In addition, bunions can also appear as a result of an inherited structural defect, tension in the foot or a disease such as arthritis.
On the other hand, there are additional factors that we do not always take into account, for example, when buying shoes. And the fact is that, however nice it may be, the use of narrow-toed or highheeled shoes, for example, contributes to the appearance of bunions because, the higher the heel, the more the toes are pushed towards the front of the shoe, so the toes spend hours in a very tight position.
The bunion deformity can be said to be one of the most common deformities of the feet, it is formed when the first metatarsal deviates towards the medial and the first toe by tendon traction deviates towards the lateral, and as a result the head of the metatarsal becomes more prominent and fatter. In addition, if the deformity continues, it usually proceeds with the rotation of the first toe in vagus. In the alteration that imminently affects the second metatarsal and in the toe, as well as the collateral ones. Biomechanically it can influence the lower limbs. And cause excessive pronation of the foot, internal rotation of the entire leg, pain or injury to the knees, hips and even the back.
Surgical correction of the bunion in the early stages of the deformity, in addition to preventing
deformity of nearby structures and pain in the limb, is today, thanks to new techniques and
technologies of internal fixation, a greater guarantee of success.