Prostate laser

The prostate is an organ with a very important role in reproduction. Its function is to produce the
seminal fluid that carries the sperm. It is found below the urine bladder, surrounding the urinary
tract or urethra, and over the years it progressively increases in size. The growth of the prostate is
known as benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. Its growth causes compression of the urethra and difficulty in urination. The bladder begins to suffer and becomes more sensitive and irritable, so it must be emptied very often.

These problems are common in men over the age of 50. The symptoms get progressively worse over time and can become a serious health problem. When the urinary system breaks down, it can lead to urine infections, bleeding, acute urinary retention or inability to urinate, and even the need for a bladder catheter.

The treatment is done depending on the severity of the symptoms. In the first phase of symptoms most patients do not require treatment. When symptoms are moderate, medical treatment based on different types of medication is initiated. If symptoms worsen despite medical treatment or complications arise, surgical treatment will be required.

Green laser, this is an innovative and revolutionary technique, to definitively solve the symptoms
caused by the benign growth of the prostate. It is a type of minimally invasive surgical treatment. It is recommended for any patient affected by prostate growth, and is especially indicated in older patients or those who suffer from accompanying diseases (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) or use anticoagulant treatment.

Endoscopic Laser Prostate Enucleation is a very new, minimally invasive technique that allows for the treatment of prostate glands of all sizes, but its main advantage is in large prostate glands with no size limit, in which it offers better results than other techniques, allowing the surgery to be carried out in a shorter surgical time, with longer term results (unlike other techniques that may require reinterventions years after surgery for the growth of residual tissue). This technique provides a definitive treatment since it totally eliminates the adenoma.