Social Commitment
Podiatry without borders
Podiatry without borders is the materialization of an idea, of a concern. In which a group of Spanish podiatrists decide that it is time to share with the rest of the world, and especially with those who have not been lucky enough to be born in a place where health care is more than a privilege, it is a right.
Aware that at the moment we are living, aid programmes could also be developed at national level, we are realistic in saying that when in a country of the so-called first world, hardships are being experienced, we can be sure that the tap of humanitarian aid is dripping hard, and that in countries in need, as in Central America is Honduras, where health is a luxury that very few can afford, since more necessary things prevail as having a simple hot dish at noon on the table.
The NGO Podología Sin Fronteras is a Spanish non-profit organization, working since 2008 in
close relationship with NPH (Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos), an international organization with
homes in 9 countries (Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru) that helps the most disadvantaged communities, focusing most of its efforts on children.
If you would like more information about NPH you can go to Our main objective is
to promote podiatric health in the most disadvantaged communities and areas that do not have
access to this type of health care, by providing health care to those places that are most in need. The aims of Podologia sin Fronteras are, as stated in the statutes of the Association: “To promote
podiatric health among the population, to provide podiatric care to areas and groups in need and to foster a worldwide association for the development of the prevention and treatment of foot
In Podologia Sin Fronteras we are aware that the assistance to specific foot problems implies a
health care that not all people can receive. Our work is focused on providing treatment for diseases and deformities of the feet, among the population and the most needy groups.
“If you want to help, you can finance this project by making a donation and it will be channelled
through the Foundation of our Little Brothers Spain (NPH). Remember that donations made will be deducted by 25% for individuals and 35% for companies. “
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Telephone: 93 4342029.
Thank you very much.