
Protecting women’s health at all stages of their lives

Gynecology and Obstetrics is a medical specialty that specializes in providing care for women throughout their lives, including pregnancy and childbirth, as well as providing diagnosis and treatment for diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Gynecology deals with women’s sexual health, our reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases and even fertility disorders; and obstetrics specializes in pregnancy, diseases during this period, complications, childbirth and postpartum.

The area of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Clínica Soriano offers its patients a comprehensive care that includes a wide range of consultation and treatment options that range from the usual preventive check-up to the most advanced diagnostic and treatment options for obstetric and gynecological problems at all ages.

The department also offers regular pregnancy monitoring that includes a variety of diagnostic and screening procedures to identify potential problems of the fetus as well as its proper growth and development. With equal care, they look after the health of mothers to detect and treat any maternal complications that may arise. Our teamwork allows us to count on the collaboration of specialists to provide the best possible prenatal, intranatal and postnatal care.

Pelvic floor

4D Ecography

Breast ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound

Do you want to book an appointment?

You can do this by calling this phone or through the contact page

Your gynecologist

Fernando Ruiz

nº collegiate: 46/19873

  • Degree in medicine from the University of Valencia in 2003.
  • Resident obstetrician and gynecologist in Puerto Real Hospital, Cádiz in 2005.
  • Doctor of Medicine from the University of Valencia
  • Currently a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the UH Clinic in Valencia.


Clinic in Canals

Avda. Vicente Ferri 19

Clinic in Chella

Doña Liduvina Martinez, 1

Clinic in Ontinyent

Music Martinez Valls, 1

Clinic in Alberic

Antonio Lloret, 3