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Vaccines help protect infants, children, and teenagers from serious diseases. Getting childhood immunizations means your child can develop immunity (protection) from diseases before they come into contact with them. Vaccinating your child also protects others. Thanks to community immunity, vaccines help keep a child’s unvaccinated younger siblings, older family members, and friends from getting sick.
Thanks to vaccines most of us have never seen the devastating effects that diseases like polio, measles or whooping cough can have. It’s easy to think of these as diseases of the past, but they still exist and in fact, because of new vaccine currents in some areas, it’s not uncommon for outbreaks and epidemics to occur from these potentially preventable diseases. It is important to follow the vaccination schedules of each community, although there are other vaccines outside the schedule on which we can advise you.
Children are at greater risk for infectious diseases because their immune systems have not built up the necessary defenses to fight off serious infections and diseases. Vaccinations begin at an early age to protect children before they are exposed to diseases.