Interdigital Heloma treatment
Podiatry specialties
Diabetes Mellitus is a systemic disease that coincides with an abnormal increase in Ts levels of blood glucose. Prevention by the chiropodist with a clinical examination through sensitivity tests, doppler or ultrasound. He or she can check the condition of the skin and circulation to prevent the formation of ulcers. In addition, he can treat thick nails to avoid overcrowding.
The chance of a person with diabetes developing a diabetic foot wound or ulcer is between 15% and 25%, making it the leading cause of hospitalization for people with diabetes. Amputation of the limb (major or minor) is its main complication, not surprisingly 85% of all amputations performed are directly related to diabetic foot injuries. However, complete healing is possible in approximately 90% of all ulcers through appropriate care, based on a multidisciplinary approach. This requires special attention to risk factors that may be involved in the development of a diabetic foot wound or ulcer.
The main risk factors determining the prognosis and evolution of injuries in a diabetic foot are lack of sensitivity, known as Neuropathy, and insufficient blood circulation. Special attention should also be paid to wound infection, as it can go unnoticed and be aggravated if the risk factors mentioned above are present.